Welcome to Storytellers of San Diego

Storytelling Class

Institute  Storytelling Institute at Coronado Library, February 25th, 6:00- 7:30pm, FREE

"Nuancing Your Story: Gesture, Movement and Voice," The sixth of the seven session Storytelling Institute for all levels of tellers with Mindy Donner,(brief biography) at the Coronado Library. Be expressive with body, gesture and voice
Link to additional information,  Participants may attend all or individual sessions.
NEXT: Tuesday,  March 4

Open Mic

Open Mics are informal gatherings of tellers and listeners, and are an excellent opportunity for beginning storytellers to tell their first story in a non threatening environment. Experienced tellers are welcome to try new material and exchange ideas about storytelling techniques and story sources.

Link to latest Open Mic information


Latest Videos from Storytellers of San Diego

TellabrA "In a Grain of Sand," SSD's Annual Tellabration™ now of YouTube  LINK

Storytellers of San Diego: Aunt Li-Anne, Emily Stamets, JT Moring, Carol Jaksa, Jim Dieckmann, Marilyn McPhie, David Schmidt, and Patti Christensen with James Nelson-Lucas,
Tellabration™ is a registered trademark of National Storytelling Network

Storytellers of San Diego on YouTube channel

TEDX Talks

Marilyn McPhie, "Do Try This at Home," TEDX LaJolla Playhouse, video link