Welcome to Storytellers of San Diego

ASST "One-to-One New Year's Story Blowout," 24 hours of storytelling, December 31st, begins at 10:00am (PST) Zoom

SSD tellers: 5:00pm-6:00pm (PST)

Artists Standing Tall Together sponsor this annual event. SSD tellers: Marilyn McPhee, Mindy Donner, Aunt Li-Anne, Arlyn Hackett, James Nelson-Lucas, OJ and Almena Mozon, FREE, Registration required link
Event Flyer .jpg

template "By Chance," Storytelling returns to The Template in Ocean Beach, January 13th, 6:30-8:30pm

Storytellers of San Diego: JT Moring, Tyler Taylor, David Schmidt, Linda Brown, Jim Dieckmann and David Walsh,  hosted by Mindy Donner, 5032 Niagara St., Ocean Beach. FREE, Donations encourage  Event Flyer .pdf

SAC "Third Wednesday Genre Storytelling,"  Storytelling Association of California, "Tall Tales" January 15th, 7:00pm, ZOOM 

David Schmidt represents Storytellers of San Diego in January, $5, registration, required  
Eventbrite to register                    
General information for listeners and