Welcome to Storytellers of San Diego

Institute Storytelling Institute at Coronado Library, March 4th, 6:00- 7:30pm, FREE

"Individual Coaching," The last of the seven session Storytelling Institute for all levels of tellers with Aunt Li-Anne (brief biography) at the Coronado Library. Polish your story for the open mic at the Annual San Diego Storytelling Festival

Festival 25 Annual San Diego Storytelling Festival, March 15th, 10:00am-6:00pm, Coronado Library

FREE all-day Festival for adults, children, and families. Concerts, workshops, open mic, Kids Tell, and community panels


Coronado Library       Tejas      GBR
Complete schedule for the day
Flyer for "Women in the Military," and Veteran's Stories
Flyer for "Participation Stories for Kids," and "Stories about Getting in Trouble"

Template Storytellers of San Diego at The Template in Ocean Beach, March 10th, 6:30-8:30pm

Storytellers of San Diego hosted by David Schmidt with the monthly 2nd Monday program at 5032 Niagara St., Ocean Beach. FREE, Donations encourage  The Template website

SAC "Third Wednesday Genre Storytelling,"  Storytelling Association of California, "Myths, Fables, Fairy Tales & Fantasy," March 19th, 7:00pm, ZOOM 

Lissette Ryan represents Storytellers of San Diego in March, $5, registration, required  
Eventbrite to register                    
General information for listeners and